Everyone must learn to get rich slowly.

Don't pursue getting rich quickly.

Wealth comes quickly, and it goes quickly. If you make 10 million in ten years and 10 million in one day, your mentality is definitely different.

If you make 10 million in ten years, your ability is enough to match the wealth of 10 million. You know how to make it snowball, and you will not be unbalanced because of this wealth.

If you suddenly make 10 million in one day from a poor loser, the demon in your heart will be released instantly.

Things that you once only dared to think about but not do will immediately entangle you like a demon.

You will fall into it and cannot extricate yourself until your wealth is exhausted and all opportunities in life are lost.

When you only have a few thousand yuan, you think that if you can make a few hundred yuan more every month, you will be satisfied. When you have tens of thousands of yuan, you think that you will be satisfied with a few thousand yuan more. When you have hundreds of thousands of yuan, a few thousand yuan is no longer in your eyes; when you have millions of yuan, ten or twenty thousand yuan also seems insignificant.

Human desires will continue to expand as they are constantly satisfied.

Spiritual wealth and material wealth are both critical.

Although we all desire wealth, we must not become slaves to wealth.

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