Binance has launched a new megadrop, and everyone must actively participate.

Many people look down on these zero-cost hair, and only think about earning income through ordinary investment methods. This may be a misunderstanding.

To put it bluntly, everyone is lazy and doesn't want to use their brains.

The projects that can be listed on Binance's launchpad and megadrop are all good projects, at least they are not bad.

Generally speaking, 20,000U of funds can earn 200~300U each time, and dozens of projects are launched in a year. This income is still very considerable.

Holding bnb is equivalent to holding a golden shovel, which continuously generates benefits. Such investment opportunities can be said to be a steady profit, pure free.

Launching 3 projects in a month means an income of nearly 1,000U, and how much do those working people who work from nine to five every day earn in a month?

​ Think about it carefully.

Don't take bean buns as dry food. Any assets you have in the currency circle are cash that can be used to buy things.

Many people think that the wealth in the cryptocurrency world is just a string of numbers. They don’t care about it at all when operating, and they dispose of it and invest it at will. These are all pure silver.

You must cherish it.

I hope that when this bull market ends, you can use your legal income here to enjoy life in the bear market, and then keep some to continue preparing for the next bull market.