There are almost no hot spots in the market these days, and the market conditions are fluctuating horizontally.

But some junk coins started to surge in price, like a few small waves on the calm water.

The waves look very beautiful, especially on a calm night.

Experienced farmers all know that although these flowers look beautiful, they are like castles in the air and are the magic weapons used by farmers to harvest leeks.

But it can’t resist the enthusiasm of the new investors.

After all, seeing these coins constantly hitting new highs, with an increase of 50% at any time, as long as you buy them at a low price, you can instantly gain a lot of wealth.

Wealth has a great appeal to us, often causing us to lose our minds.

The result of losing reason is that people will madly chase after these skyrocketing coins, and of course the result will be very painful.

In the past few days, many people have privately asked Shisan whether they can buy certain coins?

I took a closer look at these coins and found that they are all surging in value.

There are some currencies that we have reminded everyone to ambush at low levels in the past thirteen rounds, but now it is obviously no longer suitable to enter the market.

Never chase high prices in this circle at any time, as those who do will inevitably incur huge risks.

At this time, there are obviously better targets in front of us, but everyone turns a blind eye to them. These are certain to have huge opportunities in the future market.

While funds are still being hyped on junk coins, we should ambush some of these high-quality projects in advance.

Don’t think it’s expensive, it will be more expensive in the future.


Binance has launched a new megadrop, everyone must actively participate.

Many people look down on these small profits and only think about earning returns through ordinary investment methods. This may be a misunderstanding.

To put it bluntly, everyone is just lazy and doesn't want to use their brains.

The projects that can be listed on Binance's launchpad and megadrop are all good projects, at least they are not bad.

Generally speaking, with 20,000U of funds, you can earn 200~300U each time. If you launch dozens of projects a year, the income is still very considerable.

Holding bnb is equivalent to holding a golden shovel, which continuously generates benefits. Such an investment opportunity can be said to be a sure win, pure free money.

Launching 3 projects in a month means an income of nearly 1,000U, but how much do those working people who work from 9 to 5 earn in a month?

​Everyone, think about it carefully.

Don’t treat bean buns as dry food. Any assets you have in the cryptocurrency world are cash that can be used to buy things.

Many people think that the wealth in the cryptocurrency world is just a string of numbers. They don’t care at all when operating it. They dispose of it and invest it at will. These are all pure money.

Must cherish it.

I hope that when this bull market ends, you can use your legal income here to enjoy life in the bear market, and then keep some to prepare for the next bull market.


Meme coins have exploded continuously, and the next project that may explode is the AI ​​track.

Thirteen rounds ago, I have reminded everyone to start planning. No matter whether there is a floating loss or profit, just hold on and wait for the wind to come.

This method of chasing hot spots is actually to judge the sector rotation in advance and make arrangements in advance.

Shisan was originally a person in the cryptocurrency circle who was extremely disgusted with meme coins, but he could not resist the fact that this commodity really rose in value, and it really gained popularity and consensus.

So we had everyone set up an ambush in advance.

Now it's time to change venue.

Many friends asked Thirteen what they could get by joining Thirteen Circle. One of the key points is to grasp the rotation of sectors.

Ambush the sectors that are about to explode in advance, buy, and wait for the explosion.

Of course, this judgment may not be accurate, and we may misjudge the next explosive sector, but don’t worry, the projects we bet on are all leaders in the sector, and generally speaking they will not fall even if they don’t explode.

The risk is small.

But as long as we bet right, the returns will be very high.

This mode of operation is one of Thirteen's favorite modes of operation.

Of course, our main positions are still concentrated on long-term spot, betting on mainstream currencies, such as Ethereum, and the remaining short-term positions are used for short-term trading and capturing hot spots.

For specific operation methods, everyone is welcome to join Thirteen Circles.


Everyone must learn to get rich slowly.

Don't pursue getting rich quickly.

Wealth comes quickly, and it can also go away quickly. If you earn 10 million in ten years or earn it in one day, your mentality will definitely be different.

If you earn 10 million in ten years, your ability is enough to match the wealth of 10 million, you know how to make it snowball, and you will not be mentally unbalanced because of this wealth.

If you go from being a poor loser to suddenly making 10 million in one day, the demon in your heart will be released instantly.

Things that you once only dared to think about but not do now immediately haunt you like a demon.

You will be trapped in it, unable to extricate yourself, until your wealth is exhausted and all opportunities in life are lost.

When you only have a few thousand yuan, you will be satisfied if you can earn a few hundred more yuan every month. When you have tens of thousands of yuan, you will be satisfied if you can earn a few thousand more yuan. When you have hundreds of thousands of yuan, a few thousand yuan is no longer worth your attention. When you have millions of yuan, ten or twenty thousand yuan will seem insignificant.

Human desires will continue to expand as they are constantly satisfied.

Both spiritual wealth and material wealth are important.

Although we all desire wealth, we must never become slaves to wealth.

Come on, people in the cryptocurrency world,

Welcome to: Minus Thirteen Degrees

Let’s go through the bull and bear markets together and see through the mundane affairs of the cryptocurrency world.