For ordinary people, contracts can be a deep pit.

300,000 dollars is indeed a lot for ordinary people. But for old hands who have been in the cryptocurrency circle for 4-5 years, this amount of money is nothing. At the same time, some people made a fortune by mining and high-quality projects, such as egld and cro, making 100,000 dollars a day, which is not a problem at all.

If you do short-term contracts every day, you will probably lose money in the end. It is not too late to quit short-term contracts early. The contract market is not a casino. You can't gamble every day. You need to have long-term layout and patience.

**Several suggestions:**

1. **Quit high leverage**: High leverage is like drugs, which is fun in the short term but a pit in the long term. Keep leverage at 1-3 times to control risks.

2. **Switch to long-term strategies**: Short-term market fluctuations are large and it is easy to lose money. Long-term investment is relatively stable and the profit is stable.

3. **Learn and imitate**: Learn the operation methods of market experts and don't blindly follow the trend. Read more books, learn more, and improve your trading skills.

4. **Use programmatic trading**: Human nature can never resist temptation. Using programmatic trading can avoid emotional operations and reduce losses.

Stop thinking about short-term contracts every day, and study more high-quality projects that can be held for a long time. The market changes quickly, and only by keeping a stable mentality can you make real money.

Finally, I wish everyone can find their own way to make money in the currency circle. #Crypto🚀🚀 #投资策略 #合约爆仓