The weekend market is rather boring, with many investors complaining about why the price drops as soon as they buy and rises as soon as they sell. This is a volatile market. When you think there will be a breakthrough, it will step back. When you think it has fallen below the support level, it will rebound. When the Ethereum hype trend has not yet taken off, perhaps this is what a volatile market is like, repeatedly wearing you out, and when it really rises, you will find that your position has been almost worn out!

In June, there is a high probability that Ethereum will break through the previous high and reach near the historical high. After breaking through the previous high, the Ethereum ETF will fall back and then continue to be hyped. You can see this by referring to the trend of the Bitcoin ETF. I have said before that the approval of the Ethereum ETF means that a large number of institutions will help everyone take over in the future. Therefore, there have been news recently that many whales have withdrawn their Ethereum from the exchange and have no intention of selling in the short term. They are waiting for Ethereum to reach a higher position before choosing to sell!

Therefore, there is nothing to worry about at present. All you need to do is to quietly plan! There is actually no need to say more about the Ethereum series. Don’t wait for the price to rise before chasing the rise, but plan ahead! When the price rises, it is time to take profits one after another!

In short, no matter what happens in the future, the rise, rise, rise is a foregone conclusion. It is just a matter of how much and how long it will rise. However, the fact that it is rising is because the Federal Reserve currently maintains a high interest rate of more than 5%. With such a high interest rate, it is impossible not to cut interest rates. It is just a matter of when and how to start cutting.

Therefore, I think as long as we are on the train during the rising cycle, we will be fine. As for when it will explode and when it will start to go crazy, we just need to be patient and bear it. And remember, when the crazy bull market comes, even shit will be pulled up. It is called a crazy bull market. Didn’t the shit like EOS rise about ten times last time? Therefore, if you don’t have enough knowledge and choose shit, as long as it is not a scammer, the kind of shit that will die in two or three days, as long as it can survive until the crazy bull market, there will be its own market.

Of course, what needs to be warned here is that if you choose to play with dog shit, then dog shit is definitely for speculation. If you invest right, dog shit will fly to the sky. If you invest wrong, you can only get out of the dog shit after a crazy bull market, and even then you can lose less money in a crazy bull market. Therefore, you should never invest a large position in dog shit speculation. It is better to invest less than 5% or even lose some pocket money on speculation.

In terms of market conditions, the new coin of BN has been rising sharply in the past few days. In a short period of time, the coins such as NOT and BB have risen 2-3 times from the lowest point. It has to be said that the B circle is often competing with the dog dealer. When the market has been scolding BN for raising money and the price of new coins has fallen without a bottom line, the main force is quietly collecting chips. The recent rise is because most of the chips in the hands of retail investors have been sold, so it is easy to pull up. When the market's attention and funds are attracted, the main force begins to distribute high-priced chips to retail investors. Of course, no one knows this high price, and even the main force has to adjust according to market conditions.

As for the overall market, Ethereum is still around 3,800. In fact, whether it is mainstream or copycat, the rise and fall of prices require the participation of funds. Ethereum had funds coming in a while ago, which pushed it up by more than 20%, but from the perspective of the exchange rate, it is actually just catching up with the previous wave. In the recent market, there is not much cost-effectiveness to buy. Funds are rotating in sectors, so you can only ambush or wait for the market to take a new direction. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum can fluctuate at high levels, so there is no need to be afraid of spot positions.

How to choose the currency to invest in the second half of the year? You can refer to the following factors:

First, hot topics. There are several big trends this year: ai rwa sol meme and some other good concepts, etc.

Second, meme doesn’t count. What matters is whether there is a strong institutional background behind it.

Third, look for the weekly chart to show a bullish trend (refer to the previous technical analysis)

Fourth, whether the recent rise in the daily chart is accompanied by a significant increase in trading volume.

Finally, the previous ETH market indicates that the second half of the year will be a major upward trend. Once the market breaks through a new high, the market will continue until before New Year’s Day and there will not be much risk!

Create a high-quality circle

Spot mainly

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