The simpler the trading system, the better. Method 3: Trading needs to go through the process of going from simple to complex and from complex to simple. Only when you transcend the realm can you truly simplify. The real philosophy is hidden in empty words, big words, and useless words. First of all, you need to know a relationship. The trading system is hard, but the execution of the trading system is soft. The quality of the trading system must match the results of the trading execution. The relationship between the trading system and the execution of the transaction can be simply understood as: the simpler the trading system, the higher the difficulty of its execution. The more complex and profound the trading system, the better its execution. They basically present an inverse correlation. There are three realms in life, seeing the mountain as a mountain, seeing the mountain as not a mountain, and seeing the mountain as a mountain. Only by entering the world can you see through the world. If you say you have seen through the world without entering it, it is a false seeing through. Outside the world and inside the world are completely two worlds. When you are outside, you are pure all over. You say that the world is just like this. When you are inside, you are surrounded by seven emotions and six desires. You can break free and walk outside the world. You can tell at a glance which realm is higher and which is lower. This is a process of transformation from simple to complex, and then from complex to simple. The former is not understanding, and the latter is understanding. The same is true for trading. If you want to simplify something, the prerequisite is that you must be in a state of transcendence. If you simplify just for the sake of simplifying, it is just ignorance.