📢📢Good news! f(x)Protocol announced on the X platform that they are looking for the perfect balance between minting and redemption fees for fxUSD, rUSD, and btcUSD. 🔍🔍

To achieve this goal, they decided to temporarily reduce the minting fee to 0%, while increasing the redemption fee to 0.5%. 📉📈This move is undoubtedly a "win-win" - no minting fee will help increase TVL (total locked value), while increasing the redemption fee will bring more profits to veFXN holders. 💰💰

Please note that the new exchange fee will take effect at 12:00 UTC on June 5 (20:00 Beijing time). ⏰⏰The outlook for Bitcoin looks more optimistic, let's look forward to this new change together! 🎉🎉