💠 We may be heedless and confidently riding the waves of the digital currency market, but it is wise to study history not only for entertainment, but also to learn lessons from the past and anticipate the future.

If we go back a little way back to 2022, for example, when the tragic event occurred as the price of BTC fell from $48,200 to $16,500 in just a matter of weeks, the event was a shock, a wake-up call, and a powerful reminder of the inherent volatility in the world of digital currencies.

We are now in the middle of 2024, and the hype is swirling around the rise of Bitcoin to unprecedented levels, as optimists expect Bitcoin to reach the level of $150,000. A group of enthusiasts have applauded this, but let us be more logical and more rational. We have seen this farce in a theater. Crypto before, where the unwary applauded and the disinterested behind the dark scenes drummed.

In the darkness lurk great whales, manipulating the market with cunning precision. They use the power of the mainstream media to lure unsuspecting investors with promises of untold riches, and when the right moment arrives, they relentlessly devour small fish and disappear into the dark depths of the oceans, leaving behind a trail of lost illusions and... Broken dreams.

But fear not, fellow investors, we have the power to overcome these predatory monsters. Since Bitcoin is currently hovering around the $67,000 level, now is the time to take action. Secure your money, protect your investments, and be vigilant.

Looking back, Bitcoin may not have risen much above $75,000 this year, so, let's be smart, careful, and make wise choices as we deal with the ups and downs of the cryptocurrency market.

💠 In conclusion, permanent flexibility in adapting to emergency events and overcoming psychological feelings remains the wise choice to secure your money from loss.