I was so high from writing something today that I updated my diary late.

Many adults spent Children's Day on June 1st. I remembered a video I saw some time ago where Cai Lan, who is in his sixties or seventies, said that he has no children because he feels that he is still a child. I wanted to laugh at that time.

Because this sentence is a disclaimer in my opinion. Children are the only ones who are not responsible for many things. Of course, you can also say that I over-explained it~

But people can get younger when they get older, such as parents, who are old children. They need to be coaxed and given more emotional value.

I said before that I rarely contacted my parents. Later, I thought that I should increase the contact, and then I consciously sent more WeChat messages #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #MegadropLista #meme板块关注热点 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准