📢Blockchain News Flash! Uniswap's UNI staking and delegation reward vote originally scheduled for Friday has been postponed! 😱

Paradigm researcher Dan Robinson expressed disappointment, believing that a large VC tried to manipulate the token governance process at the last minute and postpone the community proposal to advance their own "pet" project. 🤔 However, he did not specify which VC it ​​was.

It is understood that the reason why the Uniswap Foundation pushed back the vote was that a stakeholder discussed some issues that needed attention with the foundation and required additional due diligence for a comprehensive review. Due to the immutability and sensitivity of the proposal upgrade, it was decided to postpone the vote. 🕵️‍♂️

This is an event worthy of our attention because it involves important issues of blockchain governance. Let us look forward to more information and further developments together! 🔍🚀