The current market can be divided into three major sectors:

Bitcoin and Ethereum are the big brothers, and the altcoins and meme coins invested by institutions and venture capital. The market originally expected that the passage of the Ethereum ETF would drive the rise of altcoins, but the actual situation is that the funds have not flowed into altcoins for a few days before they have returned to meme coins.

The mainstream is still Bitcoin and Ethereum, and institutions have been manipulating market prices. Retail investors' purchases cannot constitute the fluctuations of the market, and the market can only rely on news to trigger fluctuations. The market value of altcoins incubated by venture capital institutions is generally overestimated after they go online. In fact, they are just constantly releasing circulation, and the rebound is just an opportunity for the dealer to ship. For retail investors, only the Meme sector is currently optional. Although these projects are considered air projects, the market heat is there, and retail investors often like to chase high.

It is rare for ETFs and stablecoins to flow into the market, and the market is currently in a state of liquidity depletion. There is not much good or bad news in the market, and it is completely a game of emotions. Until the macro news changes, the next will be news of interest rate cuts, and then the general election!