Who told you that there will definitely be a bull market in 2024? $BTC

You have fallen into the trap set by the market for you

You don’t even know when this bull market will come

You still want to know how big the currency circle is this time

How much can Bitcoin rise?

The biggest test for the currency circle in 2024 is only human nature

Any thoughts will be infinitely magnified

Don’t chase ups and downs easily

Do things that follow the trend

Do the easiest things to succeed

You can’t succeed without cultivating human nature

Occasional success can’t last

No one dares to tell you the maximum size of the future bull market

Only stupid people will easily believe what others say

Don’t think when doing things

Then how can you survive in this bull market?

*The above is not an investment advice!

As I said, at this stage, we are all laying out some good currencies

If you are interested and want to witness the strength

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