I chatted with a female fan today, and she said she was cheated by a scumbag. She borrowed tens of thousands of yuan from him and didn't pay it back. At the same time, she cheated several other girls. Why was she cheated? The reason is that the man packaged himself with a good identity and drove a better car. It's that simple. What are the implications of this example for the cryptocurrency circle?

Have you noticed a current situation: many people who say they are "financially free" through cryptocurrency trading, or

who have made a lot of money, at most take screenshots of their positions, how many U in their accounts, and how much they have made every time the market fluctuates. I am afraid that one day they will make all the money in the cryptocurrency circle. 😂😂😂

Those who really make money will not show it everywhere. The success rate of an excellent trader on Wall Street is only 50%. The market bull market is about to start the second half. New leeks should be wary of those who say they make money every day and show their orders. There are always people who make money in the market.

My fans only need to click on the avatar and follow the main content to get the free wealth sharing password.

The same sentence. You can follow the freeloaders. I will not let my fans miss out.

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