
Last night's pce data was in line with expectations by 2.8%. $BTC rose to 69,000 and then began to pull back. It filled the gap of 68,000-67,300 that I mentioned in one go. The lowest pin was 66,670, which cleaned up the chasing of longs in one go.

While falling, you can find that $FRONT, which I recommended you to buy long, has not fallen and maintained a price of 1.3. Today, it lived up to expectations and reached 1.437, with a maximum increase of 12%.

$BTC called on you to get on the long order again in the early morning after confirming the gap filling. It has gained nearly $1,000 along the way. Last night, everyone was calling blockchain scams. Then it is absolutely right to do the opposite.

Follow Brother Shiguang and take you to eat meat every meal. Today is also Children's Day on June 1. I also wish

all older children to have fun. After all, Brother Shiguang has helped you to gain a lot of gains.

There are activities in the internal group today. It is better to act than to be moved! !