About NOT:

Not is as vigorous as ever, and its price has doubled since entering the market.

This is the charm of meme coins - you can never predict how many times they can rise.

As the first meme coin on the Ton public chain, Not landed directly on Binance instead of other exchanges, showing its strong background. Backed by Telegram, Ton has risen from $2 to $7.5, with both financial and technical strength. Although Binance has not yet launched the Ton token, the direct launch of Not shows their attention to Ton.

Many people use Not's high market value in the early stage to predict that it will not rise much. Although this judgment makes sense, in the face of capital, high market value cannot hinder the rise in coin prices. The charm of meme coins lies in the unpredictable crazy increase. However, the risk of meme coins is also quite large. It is recommended to recover the principal first and leave the profit for subsequent performance. After all, opportunities are always reserved for those who dare to take risks!

This situation is similar to election concept MEME coins, such as PEPE and PEOPLE, which shine in the bull market, not because of their excellent fundamentals, but because of market sentiment and hype. If you understand this, you will know when to go all out and when to quit.