AO token rewards coming soon: AO will launch its token on June 13 and will reward users by holding $AR tokens. Users holding AR tokens can not only directly receive AO token rewards, but also further increase their chances of obtaining AO tokens by participating in bridging AO or project construction.

Fair sale mechanism: The sale of AO tokens will adopt a 100% fair sale model, without pre-mining, pre-sale or any form of discount. This means that every AO token will be distributed in a transparent and fair manner, and users holding AR tokens have more opportunities to receive rewards.

Combination of distributed storage and computing: AR (Arweave) is a decentralized storage network, while AO is a decentralized computing system. The combination of the two can provide efficient computing and permanent data storage solutions for decentralized applications. Holding AR tokens can gain more benefits from this innovative combination.

Long-term value and ecosystem development: Arweave's permanent storage solution has gained wide recognition and application. With the participation and cooperation of more projects such as AO, the Arweave ecosystem will develop further. Holding AR tokens can not only enjoy the current technological advantages, but also benefit from the future expansion of the ecosystem.

In short, holding AR tokens not only allows you to directly obtain AO token rewards, but also allows you to participate in a growing decentralized storage and computing ecosystem, making it a potential investment option.

#AR #空投