Friday, short-term run-flying time, four consecutive releases all ✓! Lao Gu Shipan summary and early morning ideas!

Count 💰 count 💰, let's count 💰 count 💰 together tonight! There is no sound more pleasant than these four words, the teacher is accurate! Today is all confused ✓, another 🛫 day! Today morning and evening, four consecutive releases, together to eat 👇 more than 3200 嚸, especially the night duo, just ask you to accept it?

No matter what the market is, the teacher will update the ideas of the whole network. Believe in the iron fans, believe in the teacher's iron son, and walk side by side with Lao Gu. This month is a flying situation. If you are still crying in the May love, come, together, help you smile!

​Midnight welfare 🧧 go a wave, 3-5 benches, no threshold!

The first wave:

(1) Bitcoin 69304 short, 68376 sell, get 👇928 points;

The second wave:

(1) Bitcoin 68664 short, 68185 sell, get 👇479 points;

The third wave:

(1) Bitcoin 67988 long, 69048 sell, get 👇1060 points;

The fourth wave:

(1) Bitcoin 68770 short, 68011 sell, get 👇759 points;

From the early morning evening market, the current trend has not gone out of the range of the edge, the evening rise to 69000 failed to continue, and then the evening quickly fell back to around 67000, the rhythm is still in the repeated pull. Although it is not extremely strong, it is not extremely weak, so it is still expected to fluctuate. After the retracement, the technical structure has the taste of a break. If the lower range is opened, it will go to 66000, otherwise it will have to rebound. In terms of operation, it is recommended to go long around the 67,000 support first, and go short if it does not break after 68,000!

Operation suggestions on Friday morning:

Bitcoin: Go long in the 66,700-67,000 area, look at 68,000-68,500, and consider going short after the rebound!

Ethereum: Just follow the same thinking, lock in the position, and take good defense! #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #ETH #BTC走势分析