Let's talk about the market. Bitcoin has been around 70,000 US dollars💲 since March 4th, and it has been adjusted for 3 months. This is a very long period. Last year, it was around 30,000 US dollars, from March 13th, and it fluctuated all of a sudden to October 9th, which fluctuated for half a year. After the fluctuation, it was pulled from 26,899 US dollars to 73,787 US dollars💲

And this time, it has been fluctuating for 3 months. If it fluctuates for half a year, it is not surprising. If it fluctuates for half a year, it will fluctuate from March to September. After the fluctuation is completed, it will be pulled from 70,000 US dollars to 150,000 US dollars💲, which is also good.

In short, the bull market trend is still there, and it will 100% break through 100,000 US dollars, but you have to wait and have enough patience. This round of bull market is originally a slow bull rhythm! [Rabbit]

The money earned in the bull market of the cryptocurrency circle is not from the cryptocurrency circle

There are not many people who can really stay in the cryptocurrency circle for 4 years, and the scale is not large. The real money earned in the bull market is from people outside the circle.

A business owner has a net profit of 40% a year, and he works very hard. You tell him that pepe wld can increase 10 times in a week, and he can get 10 times the coin in a few months, and there are also KAS TRB TURBO These hundred-fold and several-fold coins are everywhere, which will refresh the worldview of most people.

Bull market step one: insiders buy in

Bull market step two: insiders go all in

Bull market step three: insiders go all in plus leverage, outsiders enter

Bull market step four: insiders go all in plus leverage, outsiders buy in, go all in

Bull market step five: insiders go all in plus leverage, outsiders buy in, go all in plus leverage, physical companies and some listed companies also start to buy in large quantities, such as Meitu in the last bull market

Bull market step six: many physical companies and more listed companies also start to buy in large quantities, you go to the gym, go to a drinking party, and there are digital currencies everywhere. So far, the bull market is about to end. What stage do you think it is now?

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, pay attention to Tianmeng. Junyangli publishes market analysis every day and recommends high-quality potential currencies. #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH #meme板块关注热点