Many friends are eager to try again and return to the cryptocurrency circle. Is it the return of the king, or the sheep falling into the tiger's mouth? The following is a concise bankruptcy guide for those who have joined the cryptocurrency circle, for reference by all friends, especially the newbies.

1. Chasing ups and downs

Speed ​​of bankruptcy: 1 star.

When you see the market getting hot and then remember to enter the market, it is already too late. To make matters worse, you still can't judge whether it will continue to rise or will pull back. The usual rule is that if you don't enter the market, it will continue to rise; once you enter the market, it will stop rising and turn to fall. In great frustration, you have to bear the pain of cutting your losses.

One up and one down, one in and one out, one buy and one sell, you provide nutrients for this volatile market. Lagging behind the market, how can you talk about outperforming the market? Chasing ups and downs, even if the operation object is a high-quality asset, will eventually become the "meal" of the market. It is just like the doggerel: one operation is as fierce as a tiger, and one look is left with two hundred and fifty (myself).

Only by establishing your own leading indicators can you lead the market and win from the market.

2. Buy altcoins

Bankruptcy speed: 2 stars.

Some friends think that buying mainstream coins to chase the rise and fall is like sawing wood with a saw, cutting back and forth slowly, and the speed of bankruptcy is too slow, so you can consider challenging altcoins and zero coins.

If you have never bought Bitcoin, it will be better to challenge altcoins directly. Taking advantage of the fact that you have not established a correct understanding of blockchain and digital currency at all, and you don’t know what a truly decentralized, non-trust-based Bitcoin looks like, it is easier to believe in the propaganda and advocacy of altcoins, go all in, and quickly return to zero.

If you chase the rise and fall of Bitcoin, if you control your position well, you may not lose all in one or two years, and you may even make money; and if you are lucky, you should be able to go bankrupt gloriously in a few days or a few months.

3. Play the capital plate

Bankruptcy speed: 3 stars.

The principle of the capital plate is very simple, tearing down the east wall to repair the west wall, and using the funds of the later ones to repay the previous super high returns. The first condition for it not to collapse is that a steady stream of newcomers continue to bring in new funds. Therefore, the tactical method of pyramid-level distribution and recruiting people has become a natural match for capital projects.

It is not difficult to find the Ponzi scheme accurately. Just look at two points: first, the number of your assets will automatically increase; second, there will be rewards for recruiting people.

If you start to step into the plates one by one, congratulations, you are not far from bankruptcy.

Four: 100x leverage

Bankruptcy speed: 5 stars.

If you want to talk about the king's road to bankruptcy in currency speculation, the 100x leverage contract must be the best. As a featured product strongly recommended by many exchanges, the 100x leverage tool gives speculators who are eager to get rich overnight a fantasy possibility. Especially opening a 100x leverage short is even more brutal.

On this 100x leverage road, there are bones everywhere. This ultimate bankruptcy method will not only destroy your wealth, but also your body. It often does not take a second. In a flash, before you come back to your senses, everything is over. But see:

The screen is full of absurd words and bitter tears. Everyone talks about currency speculation, but who knows the taste of leeks?

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