Contracts are a tool for obtaining violence. The huge profits earned should be transferred to low-risk tracks in time, because violence is not long-lasting.

Most people have a misunderstanding that they cannot make money because the principal is small. Whether or not to make money has nothing to do with the size of the principal, especially contracts, which do not require much capital. Large funds will not improve your judgment or increase your winning rate. Buying 10,000 yuan and 1 million yuan, your judgment ability has not improved, but only increased the profit and loss results. If you make a wrong judgment, you will lose more, and if you make a right judgment, you will only make more money from the bet.

The bull market is a step forward and a step backward. It is a group of people who want to increase leverage. Many times, the bull market is a leveraged bull market. All parties are fully leveraged. It is possible that you have not exploded yet, but others have exploded, and then the market will collapse together. The time for the market to continue the irrational state is beyond imagination, often longer than the time you hold on to death. This is the game. The only constant in the game is change. Trading is like a battlefield, changing rapidly. Everything is possible, and you can't be paranoid!