What should you do when you make 10 million in the cryptocurrency circle and the bank asks you where the money came from?

Ask him, what are you afraid of

The money you earn legitimately, neither stolen nor robbed, but because of excessive caution, it seems like illegal income, but it backfires, making people question it several times and terrified.

It doesn't matter, just go to a big bank directly, if someone asks, just answer directly; if no one asks, just withdraw the money directly.

You are just playing with virtual currency, not issuing it to cut leeks, so there will be no problem.

Remember, go to a big bank, small banks may have accidents and cause you trouble.

Many people in the cryptocurrency circle have the same concerns...

Are you afraid that your bank card will be frozen when you withdraw cash?

Are you worried about being intervened when cashing out?

Do you feel that there is black money everywhere?

If so, then you should read it carefully even if you don't eat next.

Today, Lao Li will thoroughly explain the problem of bank card freezing to you, collect and pay attention to it, find a quiet corner, and read it carefully.

There are countless scammers in the cryptocurrency world, especially when it comes to cash withdrawals. Their methods are tortuous and complicated, making people feel overwhelmed and dare not trust anyone.

OTC merchants sell you so-called safe channels, claiming that they will never cause bank cards to be frozen, but you get a call from the police the next day.

Those who sell MasterCards assure you that their cards are safe, but in the end you find yourself paying a high price.

There are even scammers who show you their tricks and tell you to go for cash transactions. Isn't this an obvious money laundering? Once you are caught, there is no doubt.

Alas, it is too difficult to withdraw cash, what should I do? Let's take a look slowly.

What is the reason for the freezing of bank cards in the cryptocurrency world?

Many novices will listen to the scammers and think that the freezing of bank cards is for cryptocurrency funds... Such brainless remarks are usually only believed by novices. Anyone with a normal mind can search online for why bank cards are frozen? If you don't know how to go online, you can spend some money to treat the bank receptionist to a meal, and she will definitely give you a detailed explanation... Well, you don't need to treat Lao Li to a meal today.

Bank card freezing is not aimed at the cryptocurrency world, but at fraud and money laundering. Obviously, in the peer-to-peer transfer mode of the cryptocurrency circle, the bank does not know that the money you transfer is for cryptocurrency cashing out. This is common sense.......So why is the bank card frozen?

1. Bank internal risk control: It may be because your card has not been used for a long time, or the account flow is abnormal, etc., which triggers the bank's risk control system, causing the bank card to be frozen. In this case, it will usually be unfrozen automatically; or the bank staff will contact you, just explain the situation, for example, it is a cryptocurrency fund, and it will be fine.

2. Judicial freezing: This situation is usually because of black money, and there is no way but to cooperate with the police investigation. Of course, in this case, the money is usually gone. Therefore, when making deposit and withdrawal transactions, you must protect your personal privacy and don't ask why.

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