Old Wine Trading Diary: Daily Interpretation 5.31

① Intraday ultra-short-term pressure: 68900-69300

Today, we want to directly pull up and engulf the high point formed yesterday. At this point, there is relatively great pressure. 68900-69300 is quite oppressive. Almost when the price comes to this area, it will face a market crash. For this reason, once the bulls regain this area, the future market may break through and develop upward.

② Intraday ultra-short-term support: 67500

The strong support below is still 67500. As usual, if the market does not rise but falls, it will fall below this point and look at 66000. However, if the price is supported above 67500 again and seeks to break upward, the market of the crypto market will continue to be optimistic next month.

Summary: It is still in the trend of retracement and has not completely come out. Still pay attention to short-term risks. #BTC走势分析