Odaily Planet Daily News: In response to the recent application of the ZK trademark by zkSync developer Matter Labs, Polygon Legal Policy Officer Rebecca Rettig wrote in X that cryptocurrency is about changing paradigms, such as self-sovereignty, transparency, community, and freedom. Sometimes, trademarks can make sense in this field, but trying to add TM trademarks to widely used code names is tantamount to anti-open source. If some organization or individual seeks to own TM trademark rights on "ZK" because it is related to "downloadable and recordable encryption software", you are simply telling the trademark registration office that you should have the right to use the term and that type of software, ignoring the countless industries that rely on ZK technology and use the term. So far, no TM trademarks have been granted in the 9 jurisdictions where applications have been submitted, and these applications must pass review and any objections.