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Former US President Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 charges against him at a trial in NY—Donald Trump on Thursday became the first former US president to be found guilty of a serious crime, after a jury in New York found him guilty of forgery. business records as part of a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through payments to buy the silence of a pornographic actress who said she had a relationship with Trump.

Jurors found Trump guilty on all 34 charges he faced after deliberating for 9.5 hours. Trump remained calm as the verdict was read, while on the 15th floor of the courthouse, the reactions of supporters and opponents gathered on the street could be heard.

“This was a fraudulent and shameful trial,” Trump told reporters after leaving the courtroom. “The real decision will be given by the people on November 5. “They know what's going on and everyone knows what's going on here.”

The verdict faces Trump facing possible prison time in the city as his tabloid manipulation helped catapult him from real estate mogul to TV star and, ultimately, president. It also tests once again voters' willingness to accept Trump's transgressive behavior in a year when he is trying to return to the White House.

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