🔥The crypto sector and the upcoming elections in the United States.

The next elections in the United States are very close and the candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump are beginning to launch their latest proposals, and this time they are directing their gaze towards the crypto sector.

The first candidate to be in favor of the crypto sector was Donald Trump, with his latest speeches showing a “positive and open-minded” position towards this sector. Joe Biden was not far behind and according to some sources he would already be putting together a specialized team for policies in the crypto sector.

This is where speculation begins about who would be the members of these specialized teams who would be discussing policies in the crypto sector. A few hours ago, information circulated on Bloomberg that Elon Musk exchanged ideas with Trump, but Musk himself denied the information.

I wouldn't be surprised if more names of personalities close to the crypto sector come out in the next few days.

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