You can see how poor the liquidity of Stg was before the announcement of the launch of UP by looking at the first K-line. The moment the news of the launch of UP came out, it only took 860,000 U transactions to increase by 45%


There was basically no liquidity before, only a few million transactions, this is Binance's coin,

I have said before:

"1. Low market value, about 100 million US dollars

2. This round of bull market has not risen much, the lowest price is about 0.3, currently 0.55

3. Layerzero will issue coins soon, which will be good for STG

4. If the price doubles, it should not be a big problem "

Congratulations to the brothers who have eaten it, but don't follow the trend now.

In the bull market spot, as long as the market stabilizes, there are many opportunities, that is, the question of how much to rise,

ETH will rebound and stabilize soon, I have a spot password that I am tracking, and I will bring fans into the market soon.

If you want to keep up, get the password for free, just click on my avatar and follow my homepage.


The current bull market is surging, and we have the opportunity to share passwords every day.

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me. Bull market spot planning, contract passwords, free sharing.

I need fans, you need references. It’s better to follow than to guess.