Must keep an eye on this token group immediately because of the potential for strong price increases in the near future! One of those tokens is up 80%+ today.

Stargate Finance (STG) is a cross-chain protocol backed by LayerZero. Stargate's goal is to help users exchange messages and assets across the chain quickly and coherently. Today the STG token has increased in price by more than 80%.

Notably, LayerZero has announced the upcoming issuance of tokens. The strong growth of STG has made the community pay attention to OFT - Omnichain Fungible Token, this is LayerZero's token standard including some prominent names such as RDNT, JOE, CAKE, METIS,...

In addition, project tokens in the LayerZero Ecosystem should also be noticed with some prominent names such as: HFT, ENA, AAVE, ONE, CRV, PENDLE,...

With superior technology and a large user community, the upcoming LayerZero token launch event could lead to tokens applying LayerZero's technology increasing in price.

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