ETH's market is tense, and the long and short sides are in a fierce battle.

The long army is looking at the suction cup and then standing firm and rising, and the short army is looking at changes.

Key support level test Tonight, the market's attention will focus on the key support level of 3700 to see if it can withstand the test.

Speculative sentiment dominates the market In addition to the influence of Grayscale,

Brother Dao mentioned in his article yesterday that the success is due to gambling dogs and the decline is also due to gambling dogs.

1. Before the release of water, the volume is there, and the market cannot go up. After a long time, part of the funds will flow back to the cottage, but the gambling dogs are running wild and sucking blood too seriously, and other sectors are mediocre.

For example, when you enter the gambling dog with 1wu and see its price soaring by 50%, you will definitely choose to take the bag first, and there will be a small selling pressure;.

At present, don't short blindly, and the long army should bring stop loss, because in addition to respecting the market, you also need to beware of Mentougou, don't underestimate Mentougou!

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