Project Introduction

Bitlayer is a highly anticipated Bitcoin computing layer project that aims to provide secure and scalable computing power for the Bitcoin network. In terms of financing, Bitlayer has successfully obtained a $5 million seed round of financing, led by Framework Ventures and ABCDE Capital, and has also received support from a series of well-known institutions and Web3 entrepreneurs, including StarkWare, OKX Ventures, Alliance DAO, etc.

Bitlayer is the first Bitcoin-equivalent Layer 2 based on the BitVM paradigm. It uses layered virtual machine technology and zero-knowledge proof technology to not only support various types of calculations, but also ensures security equal to that of Bitcoin's first layer through technical innovations such as optimistic verification mechanisms and dual-channel bidirectional locked asset bridges.

Mining Gala Mining Gala! 🎉

Bitlayer recently launched the two-week Mining Gala event, which will last from May 27 to June 10. The event was jointly initiated by Bitlayer and seven other project parties, including Lorenzo, Bitsmiley, Avalon, Bitcow, Pell, Enzo and Bitparty. The total value of the token rewards is as high as 23.24 million US dollars!

Participants only need to participate in any project interaction during the event, such as adding liquidity, trading, staking, depositing and borrowing assets, and other on-chain operations, to receive double airdrop rewards from 7 projects and Bitlayer. Users can participate in the event through the Bitlayer official website and have the opportunity to obtain the exclusive medal SBT, which can be exchanged for Bitlayer ecological rights in the future.

Without further ado, let’s begin the tutorial!!

Official website portal:

First medal 🌟

Connect to wallet in the upper right corner


Select the exchange amount

After confirming the amount, choose USDT (cheaper) on the TRC20 network.

Then click the Confirm button

You have to wait for a while to exchange. Just wait until it turns green.

Then click on Mini Gala and come here. Click here to redeem the first medal, which costs about 0.4U

The second medal 🌟

Scroll down to MINING GALA and find BITCOW. Click on the logo of this small network to go to their official website.

After entering, click the upper right corner to enter the APP

After entering, click SWAP, connect to your wallet in the upper right corner, and select BTC to WBTC

Enter the exchange amount and click SWAP

The third medal 🌟

Then we go to the next step


Find BitSmiley and click on the small network logo to go to their official website

After entering, there is a button, click here

Then connect our wallet in the upper right corner

Note that you need to select the EVM wallet here

Click here after the connection is completed

After entering, select one at random and click Enter

Enter your pledge amount and click Confirm.


The fourth medal 🌟

Back to mining gala

Find Avalon Finance and click on the small network to enter the official website

Click on the upper right corner to enter the APP

Connect wallet

After connecting, click Dsahboard in the upper right corner and select WBTC supply

Enter the pledge amount and click Confirm

After authorizing the wallet, you need to click confirm again

Seeing this is success.

The fifth medal 🌟

Back to mining gala

Find PELL Network and click the small network button to enter the official website

After entering, click here to enter the app

Check the box to agree to the terms and click Confirm

Then click Resake in the upper left corner

Connect your wallet in the upper right corner, select Bitlayer network, and select WBTC

After entering, click Deposit, enter the amount, and click Confirm

This is success.

The sixth medal 🌟

We return to mining gala

Find Lorenzo Protocol and click the small button on the left of the first column to enter the official website

PS: You can go to another activity to collect points for the first two steps of this medal, so you can kill two birds with one stone. You can collect points once after completing one step.

For details, please see here: Must-follow project: Join Particle Launchpad, grab institutional chips in one fell swoop, and achieve high returns!

After entering, connect your wallet in the upper right corner and click START STAKING

After entering, click STAKE NOW

Then enter the pledge amount and click Continue

Just sign after you come in

You have succeeded when you see this, but don’t worry, this step will take a long time! ! ! !

You can check the progress here. Yellow means you need to wait. When it turns green, it means you have succeeded.

After success, we return to this interface

Enter the amount and click Continue

This is successful.

Then we go back to mining gala, find Lorenzo Protocol and click the third one to enter

After entering, click on the first

After connecting to the wallet in the upper right corner, click SUPPLY

Then enter the amount here and click Deposit. This badge is completed.

The seventh medal 🌟

Back to mininggala

Find Bitparty and click the second button to enter

After entering, connect your wallet here

Then slide here to select the tokens held in the wallet

Choose one to pledge

Then enter the amount you want to pledge and click OK.

I checked for you all. For any currency, you need to pledge at least 70U. You can choose for yourself.

The pledge is over once it is completed.

The eighth medal 🌟

We return to mining gala

Find Enzo Finance and click on the small network to enter the official website

After entering, connect to the wallet in the upper right corner

Then pull down and select the asset you want to pledge in the market, and click Deposit

Enter the pledge amount and click Deposit

This is success.

🌟MINT Medal🌟

Finally we return to MINING GALA

Just redeem the medals one by one in the middle. The gas fee for each one is about 0.4

You also need to share the exchange. If you don’t want to share it on Twitter, you can just click the copy link.

In this way, we have obtained 8 medals, the interaction is over, and everyone will become rich soon.

✅✅One fish, many ways to eat✅✅

Finally, I would like to mention that four of the projects here overlap with the new IPO activities of Particle Launchpad.

A little deeper can achieve one fish, two fishes

In particular, the Lorenzo Protocol interaction process is basically the same

Those who participate in this project can go to Particle Launchpad to participate in the new issuance

It is also a must-follow project. For specific information and tutorials, you can refer to my tutorial:

Must-follow project: Join Particle Launchpad, grab institutional chips before others, and achieve high returns!