Is 25 years a violent bull market?

​Now 24 and 25 years are the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle, which has become the consensus of most people, but some people think: everyone thinks that the next two years will be a bull market, so will the bull market come?

​First of all, the conclusion: Yes.

​There is no trick to trading. Generally speaking, people have been trading since they were born, and have been weighing the pros and cons between trade-offs. Some people may think that what I said above is too general. In fact, it is more accurate to financial transactions. For cryptocurrency transactions, it is even simpler. Spring goes and autumn comes, the moon is full and must be waning, and the sun rises and sets. These are all the laws of nature.

​The same is true for the market bull-bear transition. The timeline is extended, and these are easy to grasp. The bull market is not born in one day, and the bear market is not over in one day. There is no need to pursue the absolute low point when trading. The absolute low point may only last for a few seconds. For example, not many people grasped the low points of 312 and 3800 at the beginning of the last bull market. Now, buying at 4000-6000 is also a relative low point in the last bear market, which is normal.

​Now let's focus on: Is 25 years a bull market?

​The general consensus now is that there will be a violent bull market in 25 years, and then I also see a lot of questioning voices, such as: Everyone knows about the 25-year bull market, so will the bull market be as everyone wishes? Everyone knows about the 25-year bull market, so won't everyone make money?

​In response to this point, I used "unity of knowledge and action" to talk about it before. Knowing is knowing, and whether you can do it is the top priority. After all, the emperor in ancient times had no private affairs, and today's decentralization is open and transparent. Haha, where is the time for the halving of the big cake block, everyone can see it, so it is not difficult to know, this is one point.

​Secondly, I said that at this stage, the big cake is not yet able to lead the trend and rise against the trend in the entire financial transaction. Therefore, the long-term market of the big cake is closely related to the macroeconomic environment. How did the bull come? Release water. How did it go? Raise interest rates. The previous known rounds of bull and bear are all like this.

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