In the early morning of May 30, the market of BTC and ETH was a bit complicated. From the hourly level, MACD had a bottom cross, and the angle of the cross was large. The entire BOLL track continued to weaken. The MA30 daily average line was in a short position, and the MA5 daily average line fell significantly. However, it should be noted that the current Demark arrangement is TD9, and 12 o'clock is the flip hourly K line of TD9. According to the current decline of the MA5 daily average line, this wave of TD9 will most likely be delayed to TD13. If there is no rebound at 12 o'clock, there may be a round of rebound before 4 o'clock in the morning, but the strength is not expected to be particularly strong. The high pressure level can refer to the 4-hour MA5 daily average line.

From the 4-hour level, the MA5 and MA10 daily averages show obvious signs of weakening, and the MA30 daily average also has a desire to turn down slightly. The BOLL track is going down, the coin price continues to remain in the middle and lower track area and close to the lower track, the KDJ dead cross shorts and increases volume, the DIF turns weak, and the second dead cross is about to form. According to the current indicators, the short desire is very strong.

From the daily level, the MA30 daily average turns weak again, the MA5 daily average turns weak, the BOLL track continues to go down, the KDJ bulls show obvious signs of weakness, and the MACD starts a new round of short volume again.

From the weekly K level, the price increase this week just touches the MA5 daily average, and the current bulls are shrinking and showing an upper shadow line. KDJ is still continuing to have a strong desire for a dead cross. As far as the current weekly K is concerned, the low point support of this wave of falling volume can refer to the BOLL middle track.

In general, the overall trend in the early morning is still based on high-altitude thinking. This round of large-scale decline is expected to go to the lower track of the daily BOLL.

#5月市场关键事件 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析