In a recent meeting in the vibrant city of San Francisco, Sam Altman, visionary behind OpenAI, and Javier Milei, president of Argentina, exchanged ideas about the expansion of Worldcoin in the dynamic South American scene. The meeting, which was attended by Tools for Humanity co-founders Altman and Alex Blania, focused on the fusion of artificial intelligence with the digital economy and its influence on the future of South America.

The conversation revolved around preparing society for the AI ​​era and how Worldcoin could be a catalyst in this process, especially in Argentina. This dialogue highlights the growing synergy between AI and cryptocurrencies, and how this collaboration could lead to a technological revolution in the region.

Looking ahead, Worldcoin is emerging as a key player in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, with a particular focus on digital identification. Already with operations in Chile, Argentina, Peru and Mexico, and with the recent inauguration of registration centers in Colombia, Worldcoin is charting a promising path in Latin America. Its identification model based on iris biometrics, supported by Orb device technology, not only seeks to reinforce digital security but also democratize access to the crypto economy.

With a current market capitalization of $994 million and ranking #832, Worldcoin has shown a remarkable growth trajectory. Although price predictions for the coming years vary, with estimates ranging between 4 and 18 euros per token by 2030, the project continues to generate expectations and debate around privacy and the use of personal data.

In summary, Worldcoin's investment in South America represents not only an advance in financial technology but also a step towards the integration of AI into everyday life, promising a horizon full of innovation and opportunities for the region.

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