In the new cycle of the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle, is it the last battle of retail investors or a chance to turn over?

Dear newbies in the cryptocurrency circle, I heard that you are all guessing how the market will go next?

Haha, don't worry, let me, an "old leek", explain it to you.

First of all, we must understand a rule, that is, the rhythm of the bull market always starts with the bull market, and then goes through a period of decline and shock, and finally ushered in the real bull market. This is like a marathon, first jogging to warm up, then running at a medium speed to accumulate strength, and finally sprinting at full speed!

At present, we have finished the bull market, and we may enter a period of shock or decline next. This stage may last for 4 to 6 months, like a short storm. But don't worry, after the storm, there will be a brilliant rainbow!

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