Get ready everyone!!#LISTA#Megadrop on $BNB starting tomorrow, May 30th! This is your chance to get your hands on some LISTA tokens before they go on sale on June 20th.

But what exactly is LISTA? 🤷 Great question! While you wait for Megadrop to start, let's dive into what LISTA is. 👇

Think of LISTA as your gateway to the exciting world of DeFi. They use a special type of stablecoin called a “destablecoin” (lisUSD) and offer features like liquid staking, which allows you to earn rewards on your crypto while still using it. 💵

Sound cool? 💪It gets better! Lista DAO also has an amazing program called Cosmic Adventure Challenge (CAC) - Season 2 just launched with a new referral program! This is basically a gamified way to learn DeFi and earn rewards (like LISTA tokens!) by completing missions. 🤑👀

The following is an overview of CAC: 💻👇

⭐Become a DeFi Master: Just connect your wallet and start missions that teach you how to use the various DeFi features offered by Lista DAO.

⭐Collect Stardust: When completing missions, you will earn "stardust", the in-game currency. More stardust means higher ranking on the leaderboard!

⭐Rank Up, Earn Rewards: At the end of the challenge, users with the most stardust get a bigger share of the LISTA airdrop.

So, what will you do with your LISTA tokens on June 20th? Hold or sell? 😉It's completely up to you! But hey, at least with the knowledge you gain from CAC, you will be able to make the right decisions.
