Crypto, like AI, goes through the following stages:

1. **Phase 1:**

Trend exploded, top coins grew strongly ($BTC increased sharply).

2. **Phase 2:**

The market recovered and grew.

3. **Stage 3:**

Follow-on projects sprang up, along with large investment funds (VCs) pushing up prices, while small VCs traded primary via OTC.

4. **Stage 4:**

Whales and small VCs learned from experience and returned to investing in the secondary market (daily transactions).

As a result, large projects increased sharply again and began to return to phase 1, but this time the wave will be much larger because the market has undergone a purification process.

The reason there are these 4 periods and the price push of VCs and Whales is because after the crazy coin season of 2020-2021, although many people lost money, there were also many people who made big money. They want to increase their position so they connect with VCs or open VCs themselves and the end result is often being pushed up in price.

Therefore, sometimes the position of VCs is not better than retail investors. Retail is a chicken, VCs are a cow, and it's all the same.

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