As the second MegaDrop is about to start, the second issue of the "Wild Product Experience Officer" special issue is about to start.

👉🏻 This issue is just to share with you the experience of using MegaDrop products and some scattered thoughts

(Attached: Lista hair pulling tutorial)


🔶 My personal opinion on the definition of MegaDrop ecosystem

Binance has a strict KYC process and the advantage of a truly large user base. This, combined with the interactive gameplay of the WEB3 wallet, is an innovative attempt at a new coin issuance model.

🔶 Differences between MegaDrop and Launchpool

1. Give continuous rewards to long-term holders of $BNB

Usually, every Launchpool event will attract a large number of arbitrageurs who buy or borrow a large amount of BNB in ​​order to get the Launchpool token airdrop, and then sell it after the event ends.

This phenomenon can be reflected in the increase in BNB price and platform lending volume before Launchpool, while the BNB price will drop significantly after the event ends.

To this end, MegaDrop provides a tiered reward model based on the lock-up amount and lock-up time to obtain a basic level of points.

💡Ladder Rewards Mode

2. Embedded Simple Odyssey

Currently, completing the second part of the interactive task will get a 1.5x bonus on the basic points, and unlock an additional 1,000 points (minimum guaranteed points). This is the essence of MegaDrop.

The biggest difference from Launchpool is here. Users just need to invest some BNB and fdusd. I dare say that 90% of the participants will not experience the ecology of this project. They only know a rough idea of ​​what the project does.

💡 The cleverness of MegaDrop's design lies in that users experience the project ecosystem and complete interactive tasks, which allows users to gain points, and the project party also gains real new user interaction, which is a win-win situation for users and project parties.

Unlike the traditional money-pulling platforms which are filled with a large number of witches with multiple accounts, based on Binance's strict KYC, only real users are filtered out, so the project owners can directly skip the witch screening step.

Based on the number of participants in Binance Launchpool, the average number of participants in Launchpool is around 200,000 to 300,000. Assuming that the number of participants in MegaDrop is similar to that of Launchpool, it can provide the project party with 300,000 real interaction data, which is a terrifying amount for web3 projects.

In the future, more and more project parties will choose MegaDrop as the token issuance model, because compared with past models, the benefits of MegaDrop are obvious.

✨ Finally, here is Lista’s simple hair-pulling tutorial

1. Please enter the operation from the MegaDrop interface entrance (otherwise, no points can be counted)

Enter the interface

2. Complete the interactive tasks and return to the main interface to verify the status to get points

Interactive tasks

💡 Tips:

If you cannot enter the MegaDrop interface, you can change the ladder and try to avoid using the Hong Kong node

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