Market makers and currency traders are different. The following is about currency traders.

Some newbies don't know about the currency trading industry of exchanges.

Many people go to exchanges to buy and sell coins, thinking that they are trading with exchanges. In fact, they are only trading with currency traders of exchanges.

This "currency trader" is recruited by exchanges, and anyone can apply to become a currency trader.

It is also very simple to become a currency trader. The low-end version only needs 100,000 RMB to become a currency trader.

You read it right, only 100,000, the currency trader of the exchange is Loubi.

Don't think that currency traders are internal staff of the exchange and big bosses. In reality, they may be losers who borrow money from relatives and friends.

In Si Qing's view, currency traders of exchanges are losers without customer resources. (Except for old currency traders)

Those with customer resources have long been away from the mass customers of exchanges, and those with money have long landed. Who would take the risk of being pressed down by "receiving black funds" with their own bank cards? Who would be a currency trader of exchanges with old drivers?

Remember what Si Qing said, now the only people who want to be a currency trader in the exchange are novices and bad guys who specialize in black money.

Si Qing has been a currency trader in the exchange since 2019 and knows this industry too well.

Below, Si Qing will expose the currency trader industry in the exchange.

Newcomers generally choose Ouyi for three reasons: 1. Small deposit. 2. Large traffic. 3. Easy to apply.

Now it seems that you don’t need a "promoter" to apply.

You need a deposit of 10,000 U to apply for a currency trader, and tens of thousands of U operating funds are enough. Those who don’t have money can be currency traders in the "quick zone", which are all small orders of a few thousand.

Go to the second-hand market to find a broken computer, and a currency trader who is "awesome" in the eyes of novices will be online.

You also need some knowledge of the currency circle to apply for a currency trader, otherwise you will not pass the review of the currency trader manager.

After passing, the manager will help you to get a currency trader skirt, and will also give you some basic currency trader operation knowledge. This knowledge, in Si Qing's opinion, is useless.

Newcomers are very excited to be currency traders!

I thought I didn't have to work anymore and I had found a legitimate business opportunity to make money. I was about to make a comeback.

I sold U to users every day, and after receiving the money, I bought U from users again, buying low and selling high.

You are not stupid. Before you became a currency trader, you read a lot of articles by great people online. You know that you need to review and screen your customers when you become a currency trader, otherwise you are likely to receive black money and your card will be frozen.You set various conditions, and then find that if the price is raised, no one will buy you, and if it is lowered, you will not make money. You will wonder how those currency dealers who are below the market price can make a profit?

After finally getting in line, an order comes in, but the customer's flow does not meet the conditions, so they can only ask the other party to cancel the order. Currency dealers who frequently cancel orders will be restricted from posting advertisements.

There are no good people in the exchange, all bad guys.

Do you think you can filter them all out?

OK, OK, you are good at filtering out the bad guys, but after filtering out all the bad guys, there are basically no orders. You sit in front of the computer and get prostatitis, and you can't make a few hundred yuan a day.

Whether you admit it or not, the prosperity of the currency circle is inseparable from those bad guys!

How do currency dealers make money?

It depends on the volume of buying and selling. If you filter out these bad guys, there will be no volume.

What to do?

You heard from the "old driver" that the quick zone has high profits.

Safety and making money, you choose to make money.

You want to be a currency dealer in the "quick zone", with small amounts and high profits. I thought that if someone cheated me, it would not be a small amount of several thousand.

There are not so many bad people, damn, the dead are hanging up!

In the quick zone, there is no need to review the user flow, and the payment is directly received.

But it won’t be long before your VX and ZFbao are under risk control. There are two types of risk control: one is the risk control of abnormal account behavior, and the other is the judicial freezing of funds involved in the case.

You have no choice but to use your family’s VX and Zhifubao to receive and pay.

In order to avoid the risk of "freezing", you reduce the number of orders and desires, and from making a fortune by currency traders at the beginning, you have become a family supporter.

You just want to make a few hundred dollars a day by currency traders.

Over time, not only will you be frozen by the judiciary, but customers who sell U from you will also be frozen.

It is annoying that your own account is frozen, and customers come to you at this time. It is terrible that customers complain to the exchange, and you can only evade responsibility and lie that your account is normal. Ask the customer if he has traded with other currency traders?

If the client has only traded with you and keeps looking for you, you have no choice but to block him.

I don’t care if the client’s card is frozen!

I’ve also been frozen, who should I go to? Who will compensate me for my losses?

The currency trader only made 3 cents, and you still want him to compensate your principal?What are you thinking?

Before blocking you, not scolding you is his last kindness.

Exchange traders have no shortage of customers, so there is no need to maintain relationships. Say goodbye, and the next one will be better.

Traders with capital reserves are fine, but poor traders whose operating funds are frozen are basically defeated.

Traders need to release judicial freezes and return the funds involved. If they don't do well, they will face the risk of being pressed by their uncle.

The survival cycle of new traders is at most half a month.

In addition to new traders, the rest of the traders in the exchange are professional black traders who use black money.

This is the current situation and truth of exchange traders. #BTC走势分析