At approximately 7:50 a.m. on May 24, Kabu-chan fell into a deep sleep. The night before, she ate dinner and drank a lot of water as usual. One beautiful morning, with soft sunlight streaming through the window and birds singing outside, I left peacefully petting her. »

“To everyone who has loved Kabu-chan for a long time, thank you so much. I think she was the happiest dog in the world, and I was the happiest dog owner in the world. Even now I think she smiles, wags her tail, and comes closer to me. I think it will always be like this. »

On May 26, a memorial service for Kapuso, shown in the video below, was held at Flower Kaori Florist in Narita, where more than 250 fans showed up to pay their respects.

As previously mentioned, Kapuso was a rescued dog, and was about to be euthanized when Sato adopted her.

Last November marked 15 years since Kapuso joined the Sato family, and with the average life expectancy of a Shiba Inu being 15 years, she has lived a long life, bringing joy to many people around the world, and thus will not soon be forgotten.