May 29th Crypto Options Trading Thoughts

The Mentougou incident caused market panic again, ETFs continue to flow in, what should we do?

Option head Dex Synquote: BTC and ETH have small spreads, Q3 coin issuance, trading points and blessings

I. Core Views

1- A very core feeling of this business trip to Po County is that you still have to go out, listen to the experience and stories of the big guys, and mainly learn his way of thinking about problems. What is the conclusion? It is not important, and it is probably not suitable for you

2- Some people think there is still a violent bull, some people think that a synthetic RR short strategy is needed; some people need to fight and retreat; it’s good to suit yourself. My view has always been to fight and retreat, because I wrote "What to do if Mosaic Bull is gone" on Planet, and I sold all my BNB positions at that time. Now I am thinking in U-based

The advantage of options is that you can use U to chase highs or add risk-free leverage without coins

3- There are indeed many high-quality copycat targets with 5% cost reduction in a week in the early blue ocean of options. The IV is indeed not that good, so just slowly find other ways to play. For example: volatility across benchmarks, short doge, long tron

II. Options block trading

BTC had 2 blocks yesterday, with opposite views (more than 500 positions)

buy BTC-28JUN24-65000-P + sell BTC-28JUN24-75000-C

buy BTC-26JUL24-60000-P + sell BTC-26JUL24-64000-P

ETH blocks have started the doomsday round of buying and bullish (4000-5000 pieces)

buy ETH-31MAY24-3800-C

buy ETH-31MAY24-4000-C

Sol Large transactions have no obvious guiding significance

3. Macro market

Recently, Shanghai, a first-tier city, has further optimized its real estate policies. Yesterday, Shenzhen also issued a 20% down payment ZC. It is highly likely that VK will soar. The market pricing is currently the game logic that the real estate policy has basically been fulfilled. (As shown in Figure 1) To be honest, it is quite difficult.

In the current environment, no one dares to predict in advance. Including the reports of the seller institutions over the past year, it is difficult to see a medium-term forecast. On the one hand, the strength and degree of recovery have not yet dispelled everyone's doubts. On the other hand, it is still the inertial thinking of most people and lack of confidence.

For short-term traders, the trend of real estate yesterday will strengthen their confidence in maintaining inertial thinking, and the fear of heights will still dominate in the short term.Long players like me who are betting on the macro pricing repair based on the medium- and long-term view need to be more patient at this moment. At present, it is highly likely that the market will not fall, but there is a lack of real money buying by the big brother who leads the rise.