Being sincere, enthusiastic and kind to others, and having some means to deal with those who try to hurt me, has always been my style of doing things

I am kind, I hope to do something perfectly, truly and purely, I hope that I can only see the beauty and hope that everyone can do their best, and give full play to the talents of everyone in the team to bring everyone a perfect market analysis like a work of art, so that fans can make money and see the beauty of the world. We are enthusiastic, sincere and generous

But if someone hurts us maliciously because of our kindness and sincerity, we will also use means. This is the truth of the world, whether it is career, love, or family affection. Whenever there is something you want to protect in this world, there will be many villains and many accidents to destroy what you want to protect

I have understood this truth since I was a child at the bottom, so for anything I want to protect, I will maintain the kindness and sincerity of my pure heart while preparing all the means to maintain this pure heart. Fate plays tricks on people, but I just want to cut off the hand of fate and cut off all villains

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