Before the big rise, many retail investors tend to change currencies frequently, and sell them in a hurry once there is a floating loss, causing the principal to shrink from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands.

And those who really make money in the bull market are often those who are firmly optimistic about a certain track and continue to hold it, believing that the rotation of sectors will eventually benefit themselves.

The formation of a bull market depends on the accumulation of funds. When the market attracts a large amount of funds and long-term buying exceeds selling, the trend of rising stock prices will form.

In order to attract more off-market funds into the market, attractive news is needed to stimulate these people's desire to buy.

If most investors hold their coins and wait and see, and are unwilling to enter the market, there needs to be leading funds to enter the market to attract the attention of the onlookers, so that they can see the wealth effect and enter the market to buy.

With the increase of market funds, the market of rising stock prices will naturally appear.

It's still the same sentence. This period of time is a good time node. You can consider layout

Observe wif, bome, floki, ena...

Don't worry, and...

If you take the initiative to tease me, I will take you ashore, you just lie down

David will not let David's fans miss out in this round of bull market! ! !

#pepe #bome #ETH #wif #BTC走势分析