Gao Xiaosong's microblog about Bitcoin is fake

Gao Xiaosong posted a joke on Weibo: "A friend of mine who is one year older than me at Peking University bought 20,000 Bitcoins with a classmate a few years ago at a price of a few cents each. At that time, in order to prevent each other from buying and selling alone, they designed a complex password. Each of them remembered half, and only when they entered the password together could they log in. As a result, his classmate died in a car accident while traveling abroad last year. Today, Bitcoin has risen to $19,340 per coin. He started a business again at the age of 50."

At first, many netizens thought what he said was true. In the end, some netizens checked and found that Bitcoin has never reached a few cents. I just checked the address of the Bitcoin tycoon and found no address of 20,000 coins that has not been moved for several years.