🤔Ten characteristics of leeks, which one do you have?

1⃣️Rely on gossip and don’t do your own research.

2⃣️Frequent operations, chasing ups and downs, often losing money.

3⃣️Can persist during a big drop, but panic when it fluctuates.

4⃣️Influenced by big guys, always full warehouse.

5⃣️Sell in a hurry when the price of the currency rises, missing the opportunity to double.

6⃣️Occasionally make money and think you are a master, and take luck as strength.

7⃣️Don’t understand blockchain technology and invest blindly.

8⃣️Only know the name of the token, don’t understand the technology behind it.

9⃣️Only listen to good words, not risk warnings.

🔟Often enter the market at the high point, easy to lose money.