May 28 Information gap market analysis:

Market trend:

The market is generally rising, BTC spot ETFs continue to flow in, the spring of altcoins is coming, and the US stock market has risen to a record high. When ETH ETF funds come in, ETH is bound to be unstoppable.

Market hot spots:

1. The new coin not has risen sharply. It was recommended yesterday. From the recommendation to today, the increase is as high as 50%. Not is the ecological game of ton, dwf market maker, game high, dar, enj followed the increase,

2. The meme sector continues to explode, floki, bonk and others continue to rise sharply, and the consensus of the meme sector has never disappeared from the beginning to now. There is a saying in the circle that meme tokens should be configured first when entering the crypto market.

3. The election concept has skyrocketed, of course, it also belongs to the meme sector. Maga has the largest increase in this round, and Trump has become the leader of this round of speculation. The election concept peolpe is still a good choice in the next few months.

4. Many tokens will face large unlocking on the 31st and June 1st, please pay attention to the risks.