CORE is a copycat that gave early hints about the ambush. After a wave of explosive pull-ups in the past two days, it asked everyone to take profits in batches at high points and wait patiently for the 30-minute second buy before covering the losses.

Yesterday morning around 09:30, CORE started to remind the group about the 30-minute second buy (refer to Figure 1). The midday live broadcast also emphasized that this was a combination of the second and third buys, and the trend was fulfilled again.

In the evening, some students were worried that they could not pull up, so they interpreted the trend in the group again. At that time, it was the lowest point of the 30-minute second buy (refer to Figure 2)

The market trend is nowhere to be hidden in the entanglement theory structure. Believe in the entanglement theory, believe in the structure, and see the trend direction as clearly as seeing your own palm lines~

#CORE #缠中说禅 #5月市场关键事件 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准