1. Analysis using Fibonacci levels:

Fibonacci levels were drawn from the highest peak (72,971.31) to the lowest low (38,296.89).

- The current price (70,106.81) is close to the 0.236 Fibonacci level (64,788.14), which indicates the possibility of strong support at this level in the event of a correction.

2. Moving averages:

- The 7-day moving average (MA(7)) is 69,105.66.

- The 25-day moving average (MA(25)) is 65,399.96.

- The 99-day moving average (MA(99)) is 64,875.60.

- The current price is above all of these averages, indicating a strong uptrend.

3. Technical indicators:

- The MACD indicator shows a positive crossover (DIF above DEA), which reinforces the uptrend.

- Trading volume (Vol) shows noticeable activity, which supports the continuation of the upward movement.

4. General vision:

The chart shows that Bitcoin is in a continuous upward trend, especially after the price exceeds important resistance levels.

Fibonacci levels and the trends appearing on the moving averages indicate the presence of strong support at certain levels, which reduces the possibility of a major decline.

Traders should be careful and watch for possible corrections, but in general, the general trend appears to be upward.

Based on these data, it can be said that Bitcoin is in a strong bullish phase, but the market must always be monitored for unexpected events and sudden changes.

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