Many fans and friends asked me about the trend of Ethereum, and I also sorted it out for everyone during dinner. The recent trend of Ethereum is also very violent. First, Ethereum Etf was launched, and the former CEO released the news, and the increase reached 4,500 US dollars. Recently, Ethereum's approval exceeded expectations. Bitcoin applied for several years and was rejected for several years. Ethereum only took a few months to pass once, which made everyone unbelievable.

Many companies were approved, including BlackRock, Fidelity, Grayscale, Bitwise, Vaneck, Wood Sister's ARK, Franklin, etc. All of them passed at one time. Legality, Ethereum has always been criticized as a security and other issues. Now the ETF has passed, indicating that Ethereum is legal and is a commodity with the same attributes as Bitcoin. The king of public chains, ETH, has become legal.

The hype of the first phase of impacting ETF approval has ended. 2900-3950 had a big drop last night, 3950-3500, a big rise and then a big drop, and the first phase of hype is over. The second stage is that the listing hype is not the end, it is equivalent to the end of the warm-up. The next wave of hype about the listing of the US stock Ethereum ETF is equivalent to the climax of market sentiment. Moreover, the code of BlackRock's Ethereum ETF has also been released. BlackRock's code is ETHA, so the listing of the Ethereum ETF will be hyped from today onwards. It is known that the first stage has increased by about $1,000 through the hype of 2,900-3,900, so the listing hype will not be bad. The lowest point of the pin last night was 3,500+1,000=4,500. After Ethereum is listed (through one stage, listing one stage and two stages, each stage increased by $1,000), the two-stage ETF hype will end and it will fall sharply. I think everyone can understand this. #PEPE创历史新高 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #ETH $ETH