As the Uniswap community is about to vote on the proposal to enable protocol fees for V3 pools, the Uniswap Foundation has disclosed its financial status and funding plans in advance to increase transparency and provide necessary public information to community members.

As of March 31, 2024, the Foundation held $41.41 million in fiat cash and 730,000 UNI tokens. These assets will be used to fulfill grant commitments and support operational activities, with UNI tokens being used exclusively for a token reward program for employees. $UNI

In the next two years, 2024 and 2025, the Foundation plans to allocate $25.77 million in funds, of which $2.94 million has been reserved for previously committed grants. The remaining $12.7 million will be used to cover operating expenses. In the first quarter of 2024, most of the grants have been used to support protocol developers and governance work, while funds have also been allocated to areas such as innovation, research, and security.

The disclosure of financial information comes ahead of an upcoming on-chain vote to fully inform community members of the Foundation’s financial status and plans for the use of funds. The vote will determine whether to enable protocol fees, which will directly affect UNI token holders who have staked and delegated their tokens.

It is worth noting that if the fee switch is activated, while it will be beneficial to UNI holders, it may affect the protocol’s liquidity providers, as they have been the beneficiaries of fee income from token swaps to date.

Although a previous attempt to activate the fee switch failed, the proposal author remains optimistic about the implementation of the new mechanism, believing that it will promote more active delegation behavior and enhance community participation in the governance process.

If the voting results on May 31st do not meet expectations, the fee switch will not be enabled immediately. Uniswap’s head of governance said in the governance forum that they plan to propose another upgrade proposal with the goal of further simplifying the fee setting process.

This public move reflects the Uniswap Foundation's emphasis on community participation and transparency, and also demonstrates its unremitting efforts in promoting the development of the decentralized financial ecosystem. As community members discuss and vote on proposals in depth, Uniswap will continue to play a key role in the decentralized financial field.


As community members discuss and vote on the proposal, we look forward to the Uniswap Foundation taking a new step in promoting the development of the decentralized financial ecosystem. Regardless of the voting results, the Uniswap Foundation promises to continue to listen to the voice of the community and continuously optimize and upgrade its protocols to ensure that the interests of all participants are maximized. Let us witness together how Uniswap will continue to lead the future of decentralized finance and create a new era of more open, transparent and autonomous finance. #Uniswap #资产配置 #费率