After giving the rebound high position in the morning, the big cake market also successfully rebounded. It first slowly rose to around 68800, and then quickly rose to 69300, giving a perfect high point in the range. Here we decisively entered the factory. After the market reached the top, it fluctuated downward again, and the low point came to around 68300, leaving more than a thousand points of space. The short string of the big cake directly took 718 points of space, which is still quite impressive.

Although the big cake has been in a narrow floating sawing state, the overall trend is still quite satisfactory. From the short-term level, from the hourly level, the demand for recovering lost ground after the downward bottoming is obvious. At present, it has been testing the middle track with consecutive positives. In the short string, you can first make a small move of a few hundred points. The general direction is still optimistic about the downward position after the rebound.

Big cake: 68900-69500, see 67800#现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB