This wave of $ETH Ethereum structure has no emotion, it is all technology, the lines are drawn, it has arrived perfectly, 3940 has arrived, 3950 needs to be tested, the structure is finished here, and it needs to be re-examined later.

But why is no one paying attention to me? Is there still someone who doesn't like to participate in the crazy Thursday to eat KFC?

Follow me, I will only give fans KFC draws when I make money. I have drawn for several periods and recorded the whole process of Binance payment records.

Is it because I don't know how to Photoshop?

Is it because I don't know how to hindsight?

Is it because I don't know how to use the chat record generator?

Does it mean that I don't charge any fees and I have no technology?

When I think that my number of fans is less than those masters of Photoshop, I feel heartbroken, 😫

Why don't you pay attention to me quickly? I only want to increase my fans. If I reach 10,000 fans, I can apply for Binance Live Broadcast. If I reach 5,000 fans, I can apply for Binance Captain. That's all.

My account has no profit, but I have also sold a lot of KFC. I come to the square just for the hobby of trading and keeping records, and to fight against those who are fake.

I have never added any fans, nor have I established any clubs or social groups.

I rejected the business BD of the small firm, and I told you not to go to the small firm every day.

Stay away from the avatar of the master in a suit, stay away from the encryption brother xx, and the financial xx. Stay away from the fake.

I have been in the square to popularize technology for two months. I write for free for courses that others charge for. To be honest, it is really hard.

But I found that most people are still unwilling to spend time learning, still like to carry orders, still like to go against the trend without stop loss, and still like to fight against human nature!

$BTC #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
